CoolStarr Products and Design
Air evaporative coolers have been used as cost effective solutions for cooling dry climate and moderate humidity environments. Examples of these environments are industrial plants, commercial kitchens, laundries,dry cleaners, greenhouses, spot cooling (loading docks, warehouses, factories, construction sites, athletic events, workshops, garages, and kennels) and confinement farming (poultry ranches, hog, and dairy).
Evaporartive coolers can help to alleviate the heat issues in many factories across Trinidad and Tobago. The coolers provides cooling to create a comfortable environment for workers and emplyees.
We currently provide two types of evaporater coolers, portable and stationary air evaporative coolers. The portable cooler has its advantages where it can be rolled around to cool certain heat spots whereas the stationary coolers are placed outside and cool air is pushed in with the appropiate ducting.
- Advantages of evaporative cooling are:
- Generally lower initial purchase costs than refrigerated systems (You can save up to 50%)
- Lower peak energy useage (up to 90% less) which means lower wiring costs, potentially useable with solar energy and less requirement for additional power stations
- Less greenhouse gas production (Typically 80% less)
- Lower running costs than refrigerated systems (Typically 80% less) (You can save hundreds of dollars per year)
- Lower energy usage (Typically 80% less)
- Allows flow through ventilation, with plenty of fresh air
- No CFC's or HFC's (ie. no OZONE DEPLETION)
- The wet filter pads filter the air
- Some people prone to allergens find the wet air less irritating
Why not contact us today.